Especially for the upcoming exhibition in St. Petersburg, the young contemporary artist Yulia Virko supplemented Consciousness Does Not Have Borders with her new works, which not only appeared inside the transformative labyrinth, but also formed two separate spaces. They combine the artist's paintings and drawings, based on the endless imaginary worlds by Virko.
Consciousness Doesn't Have Borders
By Yulia Virko and Anthony Gelfand

15 October – 15 November 2020
Sevkabel Port, Kabelny Tseh
Each individual work is a newly invented imaginary world where the artist balances on the edge of reality and world of make-believe. Unexpectedly, we often meet flamingos, chairs, icebergs or trains. Little heroes of big worlds are repeated from work to work. Here, it is not about looking for the stories of the characters, as the artist's work is based on intuition and emotions that the viewer can feel and experience. The large-scale paintings alternate with smaller drawings. It is in such drawings that Virko finds more freedom to experiment with imagination. In Yulia's own words, in these drawings there is really no self-control: first the artist creates a background, dripping with multi-colored ink on a piece of paper, then she decides whether to follow the faded traces and fill a form that she imagines it to be. The overwhelming sense of expressiveness and almost complete absence of narrative are distinctive features of Yulia Virko's work.
© 2023 Yulia Virko